Jade Lincoln and Edgy


Edgy (Over the Edge) is a 14 year old Thoroughbred Gelding ridden by Jade Lincoln. Jade has owned Edgy for just over 4 years and they enjoy hacking, schooling and a bit of jumping together.


Towards the end of 2012, Edgy began to show some signs of discomfort when being groomed and tacked up and particularly when ridden. Under the saddle Edgy felt uneven; he was tilting his head, bucking and was reluctant to go forward. Edgy was generally very grumpy and unhappy in himself.


After veterinary examination and radiography Edgy was diagnosed with a very obvious case of kissing spines. Wanting the best for Edgy, Jade was adamant to explore all treatment options in order to avoid surgery. Edgy was treated by Gudrun using the McTimoney method which greatly improved his discomfort, but unfortunately every time his workload was increased to get him fit again, he began to show symptoms once more. Steroid injections had a similarly short-dated effect, so in the end Gudrun felt that surgery was really the only option to get Edgy back on track. After much research into the latest surgical treatments for kissing spines and selecting a local veterinary hospital with Jade’s help, Edgy was referred for surgery. The operation went well and not quite a year on from there, Jade is back in the saddle and she has just started on some pole work to get Edgy back into jumping. She says it is like having a new horse to ride; his schooling has come on in leaps and bounds.



Jade states:” I really am so grateful for Gudrun’s involvement. The work she has done on Edgy has made such an impact on his live. Before Edgy was diagnosed with kissing spine I didn’t have much of an idea about a horse’s skeleton, but with Gudrun’s help and support I learnt lots and got a good understanding about the anatomy of the spine and Edgy’s condition. Obviously it wasn't just that I learnt a lot, but also that Edgy has returned to his old self – he is comfortable and happy once again! I don’t know where Edgy would be without Gudrun’s treatments and I am so grateful for all her support and knowledge. I plan to keep Edgy up to date with check-ups to keep him happy and comfortable.”



Gudrun Dean (Wallis)

Mag.med.vet., MRCVS

MSc Animal Manipulation